Follow Your Favorite NFL Team on Your iPad in Flipboard

With N4MD’s new NFL coverage it’s simple to stay up-to-date on your favorite pro football team on your iPad. Simply add your team to your Flipboard favorites and you’ll be informed of all the important team news all season long.

Here’s how to add your team to Flipboard:

  1. Launch Flipboard and click the “+ More…” box or on the “More…” in the red ribbon in the upper right corner.
  2. That will open the “Add Content” page. This is where you can search for your team’s magazine. Type the appropriate search term for your team:
    – Type FanMag_Cards for the Arizona Cardinals.
    – Type FanMag_Bucs for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
    For all other teams type FanMag_YourTeamName. For example, FanMag_49ers, FanMag_Steelers, FanMag_Cowboys, etc.

    Then just tap the magazine which will appear in the search results (see the red arrow in the image below).

  3. The final step is to add that magazine to your Flipboard favorites. Do that by tapping the “Add” button at the top of the screen.