21st Century Slaves

This issue of National Geographic looks like a must read for the story on modern day slavery: There are more slaves today than were seized from Africa in four centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The modern commerce in humans rivals illegal drug trafficking in its global reach—and in the destruction of lives. via (Anil’s… Continue reading 21st Century Slaves

Reggae Guide

BBCi has an impressive reggae guide. (via Abstract Dynamics)

Categorized as Music

LocalFeeds = RSS + GeoURL

Here’s a site I just noticed via my referrer logs — LocalFeeds. Here’s what it does: Localfeeds is a collection of local news services, gathering headlines from over 500 sources every hour and organizing them by city. Feed discovery and processing is entirely automatic. If a publisher supports certain standards, lists with the GeoURL location… Continue reading LocalFeeds = RSS + GeoURL

Categorized as Blogging

SportsBlog is Up & Running

Sports fans may want to check out the new group blog called SportsBlog. They are still looking for contributors and moderators for the forums. I hope they include coverage of extreme/action sports and SlamBall.

Blingin’ Semiconductors

Looks like the diamond semiconductors discussed in that Wired article a couple of weeks ago are already a reality. They are running at a blazing 81 GHz! Now we just need some applications to use all of that speed.

Categorized as Technology

MTV Video Awards

I’m looking forward to the MTV Video Awards on Thursday. All the celebs should be on their toes because Chris Rock is hosting again and nobody is safe from his wise-cracks. The pre-show looks like it should be pretty good too because Sean Paul and Black Eyed Peas will be performing: Sean Paul and Black… Continue reading MTV Video Awards

Categorized as Music

Snoop is for the Kids Too.

Inside Snoop Dogg’s growing empire, where the hip-hop mogul enjoys his wine, women and bong. But can he outrun his gangsta past? It’s long, but a good read.

Categorized as Music