Black, Hispanic Players Hold Up Better in Heat?

Dusty Baker may have played himself with this statement – Black, Hispanic players hold up better in heat. We’ve started a little discussion about that in a previous post, but I thought this was worthy of its own post. My view is that Dusty is generally correct about darker skinned people handling the sun better because of their higher levels of melanin. But the way he went about saying it was all wrong. Thoughts?

Oh, I should add that given the climate in North America, and the amount of exertion in baseball, what he’s saying is pointless in regard to baseball. It’s not like they’re playing full-court basketball outdoors in the middle of the desert.


  1. Kenny,

    You’re right, a white manager would have been blasted for making the same statements. The Black Hand Side has a better answer than I could give to all of your points.

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