Sup with Your Boy Michael Jackson?

I was just looking at some pictures of Michael Jackson from his arrest episode today. Some observations:

His actions make me wonder if he even understands the gravity of his situation. So sad…


  1. Pingback: memigo
  2. I was wondering about the blowing kisses and peace signs as well. Can’t he forget about his fans for a second. Surrendering for arrest…get in, get processed, and get out. He is meandering around throwing signs. I’m with you Mike, either he doesn’t understand that he could be going to jail for many, many years or he thinks that his attorney is going to save his ass. All those allegations of him be bankrupt or approaching it, this isn’t going to help. Serious shame if his funds run out just as he is in the middle of the trial.

  3. The reason his fingertips look nasty is because he has a skin disease called vitiligo which is why he is white. My sister has it and her fingertips look so gross too. Looks like they are swollen.

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