Tips on TiVoing the Olympics

PVRBlog has a post with some excellent ideas and resources for catching those Olympic events you want to see. Maybe we’ll be lucky and they won’t broadcast the US Basketball team getting trounced.

And they also have a post about the apparent slow death of the X Games. I just noticed that ESPN has chopped the coverage down significantly from previous years. (My first clue that things were going the wrong way was when they severely chopped the flat land coverage.) I’m not happy about that because the X Games are one of my favorite sporting events. Oh well, I guess that’s progress.


  1. Flatland has never gotten much respect from the X Games and Gravity Games. If they’re included at all, they stick the flatlanders in an out-of-the-way parking lot doing demos. It’s unfortunate, since I believe the public would enjoy flatland if it were packaged correctly. Flatland is a very technical sport, but then again so is figure skating and people love that…

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