Happy 4th

The Gothamist has a post which contains some links to help learn about the history of Independence Day.

Categorized as Blogging

My First Zempt Post

I just found this new blog editing tool/front end called Zempt. Zempt ‘plays well’ with Movable Type by providing entry areas for ‘extended entries’ and ‘excerpts’. It even allows you to specify secondary categories,keywords, URLs to ping, and just about everything else you can specify in Movable Type. I think I just found a replacement… Continue reading My First Zempt Post

Categorized as Blogging

BlogRolling & Buying Readers

Dean has a very good post about blogrolling, and blogging in general. In the post, he discusses how and why bloggers ‘buy’ readers through linking and blogrolling. I’ve recently trimmed my own blogroll because it was getting too long, and because I’ve started using a newsreader. So most of the blogs that have RSS feeds… Continue reading BlogRolling & Buying Readers

Categorized as Blogging

The Web and Democracy

VentureBlog has an article examining whether or not the internet and blogging are inherently democratic. The question is not just about politics, but about the democratization of information as well. I agree with them that the answer is clearly ‘yes’.


I’ve been trying to find a good RSS reader/news reader, and it looks like I just found the one. Sifry has a great synopsis of NewMonster’s features. The killer feature, IMO, is that it incorporates many of Technorati’s tools. You can download NewsMonster here.

Blogging in Brasil

This looks interesting. The BBC has sent a reporter to Brasil to follow in the footsteps of Victorian explorer Sir Richard Burton. He will be blogging about his experiences each day for two weeks.

Categorized as Blogging

Google ‘Hateration’

Salon has a good article about the growing backlash against Google. It includes a discussion about how bloggers can manipulate Google’s results. 😮 As well as some coming threats to their throne from Microsoft and Yahoo!/Inktomi. Looks like things may get dicey for Google just as they’re likely to do an IPO.

BBC goes RSS

The BBC is way ahead of the game as far as open syndication. They’ve just announced that they are providing RSS feeds for all of their content. I wonder if the blog ecosystem will jump on this and force the American papers to follow suit?


For those that don’t get enough of all the political blogs out there, check out WatchBlog. Here’s Yahoo!’s description of the site: The world of politics is a confusing place — everyone has an agenda, and it’s difficult to know which side to trust. If you don’t know whom to believe, throwing your support behind… Continue reading WatchBlog