So That’s what StrangleBerry Does

PVRBlog reveals some details about StrangleBerry, the company that TiVo bought a while back. It looks like they have some powerful technology that may very well keep TiVo out of its death bed. (I’m sure the DirecTiVo’s won’t get this new functionality. -sigh-) There’s even more about this story in this Business 2.0 article (subscription… Continue reading So That’s what StrangleBerry Does

Categorized as Technology

His Name is Prince and He is Funky and He Doesn’t Like Clowns

Pretty funny story about Prince: Prince doesn’t like the funny painted men with rubber noses and big feet, so word is he wouldn’t play on the Superdome stage last month unless Ronald McDonald hit the road first. What Prince wants, Prince gets. [read the rest} On a related note, big up to EJ (the DJ)… Continue reading His Name is Prince and He is Funky and He Doesn’t Like Clowns

Radio.Blog Tribute to Rick James – R.I.P.

Here’s a little musical tribute to Rick James, who passed away today. Thanks for the great music, you should see the smile on my face listening to these tracks. R.I.P. Songs are from ‘Bustin’ Out: The Very Best of Rick James‘ Update: has a five part series on Rick.

Categorized as Radio.Blog