Digital Mackin’

There’s a pretty interesting article in the NY Times about BlackBerries and the dating scene in Washington D.C. It talks about how pervasive the devices are and how they’ve largely replaced telephone conversations for macking. As one person put it: It’s made it much more efficient, much more direct,” Mr. Donnelly said of the effect… Continue reading Digital Mackin’

FrontLine: The Way the Music Died

Set your TiVos for FrontLine’s special report on the music industry, ‘The Way the Music Died’. Here’s what the show is about: The modern music scene was created in 1969, at Woodstock. Half a million fans, dozens of artists, and the politics of the times came together as a big bang moment that eventually would… Continue reading FrontLine: The Way the Music Died

PSA: Update Your Windows!

Just a friendly reminder to run Windows Update on your computers frequently, especially those of you without firewalls. I’ve been on the phone the last couple of days with friends who’ve gotten faded by the latest worm(s) out there. PSA #2: When was the last time you backed up your data???